
We see this place as being church, with all of us bringing our gifts to be the Body here. This is where we come, one and all, both genders welcomed, to gently connect so we can create a safe community for others. We seek to listen and encourage each other with graceful conversations.

We are not building idols, or celebrities, or human platforms, or numbers, or followers. We are building a community of communities around the platform of the cross.

Outside the gates of local community, folks may not have an outlet for their God-given talents, gifts, or voices. This is what we’re looking to change, to make room for others. In essence, when we share those God-given things, we are contributing to the edification of the Bride by letting the parts move and function.

We want to collaborate on layers so multi-faceted that it will take a community of communities to do it.

Consider this a connecting of the dots, a pool of talents and peoples who are the church, because where 2 or 3 are gathered–He is already there.

In essence, we are a circle of circles with grass roots sprouting from the Kingdom.


4 Comments on “vision”

  1. How wonderful that you are reaching “outside the city gates” and outside the church doors. Isn’t that where Jesus would be ministering?

    • Thank you. Yes, that is how we feel too. Jesus spent most of His time along the dusty roads, in homes, in open air, among the people where their everyday lives collided with Him. So by example, we see Jesus is not confined. He can be in the within, but there’s no scarcity of Him for those without.

  2. I SO agree, this is church. Blogging, writing, sharing and praying for each other. This is the church community. It just looks a little bit different than it did before computers and social media. I love this site!

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